What Does Your Brand and Company Culture Have to Do With Attracting Talent?
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What Does Your Brand and Company Culture Have to Do With Attracting Talent?
In a recent article in the Weekly Hardwood Review it was stated that according to the Manpower Group more than half of today's job seekers feel an employer's brand and culture are definitely more important than they were five years ago.
Additionally, a study by Fidelity found that 60% of millennial's would sacrifice $7600 in annual pay for a better quality of life, which includes purposeful work and a strong company culture.
A company's promise to its customers, what customers can expect from its products and services and how they are different from the competition are critical to today's younger workers.
According to research by Gallup, businesses that have strong cultures and manage their employees experiences also have higher productivity rates, and lower rates of employee turnover and absenteeism.
With the difficulty in recruiting and retaining qualified help, it is critical that all employers take a serious look in the mirror to determine if they are doing all they can to make their company "am employer of choice."
WPMA would like to say a special thanks to our friends, the Barrett Family at the Weekly Hardwood Review for allowing us to share their insights. They may be reached at 704/543-4408 or www.hardwoodreview.com
Since 1929 the WPMA has been providing members with programs and services to help them compete in the global economy.
For more information please contact Philip Bibeau, Executive Director at 978/874-5445