Hit the Ground Running
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- Annual Meeting (2)
- Business Insurance (3)
- Business Needs (1)
- Business Plan (1)
- Business Plans (1)
- Business Predictions (1)
- C.H. Robinson Freight (1)
- Customer Service (2)
- DOJ (1)
- Extending Credit to Buyers (1)
- Financial Scams (1)
- FMLA update (1)
- FSC Programs (1)
- Hazard Communication Standard (1)
- Indiana Lumbermans (1)
- Insurance (1)
- interns (1)
- IWF 2012 (1)
- LEED (1)
- LEED Certified Project (1)
- Limited Medical Benefit Plan (1)
- Marketing (1)
- New Year (1)
- OSHA (2)
- Protect Your Business (1)
- Purchasing Patterns (1)
- Safety (1)
- Sales (1)
- Tips: Increase your profit margins (1)
- Trade Shows (1)
- Woodworking Inudusrty (1)
- Woodworking Professionals (1)
- Workplace Safety (1)
- WPMA (3)
Hit the Ground Running
Just a few weeks ago we said “goodbye” to 2015 and “hello” to 2016. As the year changed, people started making resolutions and started setting goals for the new year.
We believe businesses should do the same.
It’s vital that business owners start 2016 setting goals and making plans for their marketing and/or sales program. Set obtainable goals when planning and be sure to create a detailed plan. Without a detailed plan, companies are more likely to miss their goals than those with a detailed plan.
Your marketing plan should include all forms of social media as well as all interactions with customers. Every aspect of marketing should be included in your goals for 2016 because it all affects your business. Use multiple social media accounts, send emails, and handle customer complaints over the phone instead of via email.
Be sure to include sales goals that keep you face-to-face or on the phone with customers so you’re not alienating those who aren’t on social media or those who don’t use email in their daily life. It’s important to keep the “human factor” in your sales and/or marketing plans so you don’t give the impression of poor customer service.
Take time this week or before the month ends to sit down with your staff and set tangible, reachable goals for 2016. Go through your current sales and/or marketing plans to see what works, what doesn’t work, and to determine what else you can do to better serve your customers.
Throughout the year, check in with the goals you set to see if you’re on track to reach them by the end of the year. If it helps, you can set smaller goals to reach at different times this year to help motivate your staff to stay on track.
If you have any comments or questions regarding how to best plan for your year, contact WPMA’s Philip Bibeau at 978.874.5445.