Confusion Over Rules and Requirements
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Confusion Over Rules and Requirements
It is an understatement to say that confusion exists over what is required and what isn’t required as a result of all that is going on in Washington. There is added confusion over what regulations are still in effect and what regulations have been postponed or eliminated.
As the government continues to change, there are questions of who will be managing what governmental organization and many more questions remain. As one member who called said, "I wonder who's on first?".
There has been talk of some regulations being postponed, "rumors" of other regulations being rolled back or eliminated and other talk of outright elimination of regulations that were passed by the former administration.
We found out, after speaking with Key personnel at the National Association of Manufacturers, that a variety of lawsuits are currently in place to delay or reverse anti-business regulations that are currently on the books.
One problem is that many key administrators are not in place yet, so there is a level of uncertainty of what can and can not be done until someone is in charge.
An example would be the OSHA requirement of electronic reporting of workplace injuries. The law is set to take effect soon, yet it is currently the focus of a current lawsuit by workplace groups seeking its elimination. No one is sure if the President's executive order has postponed it or not. Without a current OSHA administrator in place, no one has a firm answer.
Such is the case for a number of issues that affect manufacturers. Since 1929, the Wood Products Manufacturers Association has been focusing on helping member companies remain competitive in the global economy. A majority of our members look to our association with the answers to questions that would have a significant effect on their business.
At this time we have made a commitment to keep members posted via our weekly financial email.
For more questions people may contact Philip Bibeau, Executive Director at 978-874-5445.