Confusing credit card processing fees and OUR solution
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Confusing credit card processing fees and OUR solution
At the WPMA we want to help our members understand that what you think you are paying for, may not actually be accurate when clarifying the credit card processing fees.
With decreased or non-existent credit lines, more and more businesses are forced to operate on cash flow. With credit being so tight many companies have gone to accepting credit cards for purchases. The problem is that many people only focus on the rate they are quoted and not the total cost of all fees involved with accepting credit cards. Many companies are finding that when they look at the bottom line cost for accepting payments, the price they are paying is substantially more than they thought.
When you become a member of WPMA, you receive many benefits. One of the many benefits we urge you to take advantage of is the Credit Card & Payroll Processing Program.
To find out more how this program can help sort out the confusion with processing fees, click here.
We suggest continually working with your financial advisors/planners, to study what you are actually paying to accept credit card payments. The companies that have researched the program are finding that they can save between 5-20% per year on total bottom line processing fees.
The WPMA continues to listen to the needs of members and research services that are suited to what woodworking companies need to be competitive today. We realize that a well designed program/service can help a company save money which goes directly to the bottom line.
If you have any further questions please contact Philip Bibeau at 978-874-5445 or